Who’s Stacy?

107/365 Life isn't about finding yourself. Lif...

Image by ganesha.isis via Flickr

I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate having to write an ‘About’ page.  It’s like having to write your own obituary while you’re still alive.  Take your whole life, and compact it down into bite-size words that can be swallowed easily and tell some sort of tale about who this person really is.  Your marital status and career aren’t WHO you are.  Yes, they may ‘fulfill’ an ‘About’ requirement, but that’s about it.  In fact, let’s get that part out of the way right now:

  • Age: 30s. That’s sufficient.
  • Marital Status: Married (August 25, 2011) *swoon*
  • Gender: Female, often mistaken online for a male for reasons I’m sure you’ve either already discovered or are about to.
  • Profession: Web Developer / Software Engineer.  I’m a nerd who writes code, and I’m completely self-taught.
  • 2nd Profession: Artist. I have my own Etsy shop, where I make and sell cool pop culture paper things.  I’m also a photographer.
  • Hobbies: Gaming (board games, RPGs, video games, you name it – I’m currently working on a Pathfinder game), inciting atheist riots, using my brain, voting my conscience, boxing, running, and reading. 🙂

Now WHO am I, really? I’m not sure I could actually articulate that in one, succinct page.  I know, that probably sounds like I think I’m just too cool to possibly explain myself, but it’s true.  I’ve tried.  I’ve had multiple blogs, and every time I stuttered like an idiot on the ‘About’ page.  That’s why I’m keeping this one as simple as possible.  Find out ‘who’ I am by reading my stuff.  That’s all there is to it. 🙂


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